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BayLife BayLife Community Church

Top 10 Reasons

Top 10 Reasons for coming to BayLife

1.   We understand your needs and concerns. Though BayLife is an English speaking church, most of our members are American born or foreign born Asians who may have backgrounds similar to yours.

2.   Easy access to church facility and with plenty of parking

3.   Friendly and caring people who make up a warm and safe environment for the whole family

4.   Bible teachings that are faithful to God’s Word. From children to adults, we seek to provide sound and practical Bible teachings that are encouraging to Christian living and engaging to inquiring minds.

5.   Loving and responsible child care ministry that provides gracious care, biblical teachings,
fun activities, and Christian examples

6.   Inspiring worship that is Christ-centered. Our worship format is simple and balanced between contemporary and conservative styles. We worship God together as Christians, yet we communicate in terms understandable to both Christians and non-Christians.

7.   Engaging small groups that provides fellowship, support, and accountability in areas like Christian growth, healthy parenting, and marriage support

8.   Exciting evangelism programs that are faithful to the truth of Jesus Christ yet sensitive to the needs of individuals and families

9.   Biblical counseling that helps you grow and address personal issues according to biblical principles and equips you to be used by God to make a difference in people’s lives

10. Fun and lively activities that are rated “Family”

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